Pro Gamer!
Unlock meaningful life tips in a video game world with Pro Gamer’s Guide! Join Bricks ‘O’ Brian and his pet pals as they journey to gaming greatness in Brick City.
what is “pro gamer’s guide?”
Pro Gamer’s Guide is a Children’s Book series that inspires families worldwide to adopt a healthy inclusion of a favorite pastime: video games!
Our stories help build a foundation for aspiring young gamers while reminding parents to maintain constructive routines.
We explore meaningful life lessons through expanded vocabulary, stunning illustrations, and a vibrant characters.
Meet your
Gaming Crew
Bricks ‘O’ Brian is our aspiring “Professional Gamer.” He’ll do what it takes to level up his skills, while noting the “Pro Gamer Tips” to his success. With the help of his pet pals, he’s ready for any situation life throws at him.
Just remember, don’t give him too much sugar!
He’s our lovable, wisecracking parrot with an attitude! Soaring in from the tropical coast, Pauly adds his spicy insight to the most precarious situations. Don’t let him annoy you too much, it’s his way of showing appreciation for you!
The coolest cat in Brick City sneaks onto the scene! Though she seems bashful, Cecelia the Cat waits patiently for her time to shine. This kitty loves to explore Brick City on her own, and takes bites of pizza when nobody’s looking.
Waddling toward her next adventure, this adorable baby penguin shines with positivity! Her curiosity gets her into tricky situations, but she’s always learning from her “older siblings,” Pauly and Cecelia.
She’s a big fan of stylish clothing and anchovy pizza.
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Guide Universe!
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